If you are planning to create your own merchandise, then this post will help you create attractive designs for custom t shirts in Omaha. So, consider the following tips to expand your business.
To get a perfect design, you have to take care of a lot of things such as the right colors, patterns, size, alignment of design, and more. So, if you want to stand out and make a difference in your sales, you need to consider these factors to get amazing designs which people can never resist buying.

So, here are the 5 tips to enhance your custom t shirts, and expand your business in Omaha:
- Correct Placement and Alignment to Make a Difference: A plain t shirt is a blank canvas that you can fill in with any design and on any part of it. But, to make your design impactful, you have to take care of every minute detail especially the correct alignment and placement of your design. Print your design near the collar instead of halfway between the top and bottom or around the belly. Other areas to print significant designs are sleeves or front corners or the complete backside of a t shirt.
- Pay Attention to Color Combinations: Colors enhance the look of your design, but you have to make sure that you use an attractive color combination. Do not use extreme combinations because they will backfire on you. Stick to a few colors because too many colors can make your design look tacky, and currently people are looking for minimalist but impactful designs. Also, using fewer colors will be cheaper than adding a greater number of colors. Therefore, to make your custom t shirts omaha cost-effective, stick to only two to three colors to print your design.
- Optimize the Size and the Shape of Your Prints: The size of the design plays a significant role in creating a perfect design; it depends mostly on the purpose of the shirt or garment. Shapes like circles and squares look better in small designs. Another key point to consider to optimize the size of the print is the size of the t shirt, because a standard design on a kid’s t shirt will be too small for an adult’s t shirt. So, keep your design proportional to the size of the t shirt. Also, when you consider the cost of the prints, big designs cost more than smaller ones; therefore, keep the cost in mind while designing your custom t shirts. Although you can use the custom t shirts omaha to promote your business, do not print your branding or promotional content in large size; always keep it minimal.
- Focus on Font and Typography: Font is the style of the text, and typography is the arrangement of the words. While using graphics for your designs, you can use various styles and arrangements to highlight the content so that people can recognize it in a single glance. So do not use complicated fonts and arrangements of words. Also, keep a keen eye on the letter spacing and line spacing.
Here are some of the basic rules to get your graphic designs right:
- Put more emphasis on the important words.
- Just like you should avoid large designs, avoid huge block letters.
- Use contrasting styles for fonts to create an impact without going overboard.
- Pay attention to line spacing and line breaks.
- Combine images with the text to enhance your designs.
- Use effects like textures and drop shadows wisely.
- Staying Modest is the Key: Since our attention span is short and our eyes can only process limited information, you have to be very careful while designing your prints to grab people’s attention in a short span. Too much creativity can spoil the basic aesthetic of the print, so it is better to stay minimal than overdo things. Adding too many words, images, and colors can make the design chaotic. So, stick to the main image, use a few impactful words, and avoid complex prints and other unnecessary add-ons.
Once you and your design team are done with creating designs, the most important element which can make or break the deal is the t shirt printing business omaha , and you have to be very wise in selecting the ideal one in light of the following aspects:
- Cost-effective and durable printing technique
- High Quality of Design and Fabric
- Delivery Time
- Customer Service.
After you find a t shirt printing business that fulfills your expectations, you can send them your high-quality designs for printing.
Thus, focusing on the minor but important details can make a huge difference in the execution of your plan. So, keep the above-mentioned tips in mind before creating your designs.
While looking for a premium t shirt printing business in Omaha, consider Omaha Print Shop. We offer cost-effective and durable screen printing and embroidery services. You can visit our website to find out about our services in detail.